You know that saying, "Jack of all trades, Master of none"? Some times I think that's me. I received a bracelet from a friend and several weeks later he mentioned that I wasn't wearing it. Well truth be known, I love it but it was too small. I like to think that I'm "Big Boned" My sister Kathy and I had talked about wanting to learn to make jewelry so we went by a jewelry store and they were super nice and got us both totally hooked. They showed me how to add a clasp and lengthen the bracelet. Now I can wear it every day. So, here's some of my latest things that I have made.

The pink pearl one is the one from my friend, and the one right above that is one my sister Kathy made.
I actually want to learn how to make rosaries and rosary bracelets. I think I'm just about ready to jump in and try my hand at it. I'm a little nervous to do all that work and do it wrong so I did order a book. Hopefully I will be posting one of my completed rosaries before too long.